Boeing to provide free smoke-masks to all 787 passengers

New York: An electrical fire filled the cabin of a Japan Airlines Boeing 787 with smoke  minutes after passengers disembarked following a non-stop flight from Tokyo. The Massachusetts Port Authority's fire chief, Bob Donahue, said the fire at Boston's Logan Airport began in a battery pack for the … [Read more...]

Teacher sues city, claims he was beaten up by first-grader; Lindsay Arrested

New York, A NYC gym teacher and former college football player claims a first grade student fractured his ankle, injured his knee and forced him to go to a shrink for stress — even though the kid was only 50 pounds and in first grade. “It’s sort of like an angel-devil sort of thing,” said the … [Read more...]

NYC asks Amazing Spiderman to pay for cleanup

New York: The friendly neighborhood Spiderman was greeted with a not-so-friendly bill from the city authorities to cleanup all the webs that were left behind after the super hero was done fighting with the Green Goblin and Octopus Man. Spiderman has been busy shooting for his latest sequel "The … [Read more...]

S&P accidentally downgrades itself

New York: Ratings agency Standard and Poor has been on a downgrading spree. After downgrading the US Bonds (which ended up boosting the US Dollar), S&P has since downgraded Greece, Italy, Spain, Ireland and India. All these countries hope to see a similar turn in the fortunes of their currency … [Read more...]

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